1 May 2024

This class will allow you to experience and practice communicating with entities. You will see that everytime you will do the exercises, your experience, your perceptions and your awareness will be different, it’s magical and super expansive !
During the class :
- We did the exercice of communicating individually with entities twice
- Participants asked their questions after each exercice and got facilitated by Agnès
- We did clearings to destroy and uncreate the points of view, judgments and insecurities brought up related to communicating with entities in order to make it easier, lighter and more fun !
This class is an audio recording of the class that held place on the 1st of May 2024 online.
It lasts 1h55.
You will also receive the communicating chart that will allow you to practice and have more clarity around your perceptions.
The investment in you for the class is 200 euros.
If you need an invoice, you need to request it on the same trimester in which you made the payment.
In this class, we used tools from Talk To The Entities and Access Consciousness..
This class is not a prerequisite for the Talk To The Entities Advanced or Facilitators’ classes. Talk To The Entities is not responsible for the content of this class.
I started to listen to the recording of the class on the plane yesterday. New perspectives and awareness have opened up for me now !
Thank you Agnès for being here and showing us that it can be easy and fun to communicate with entities, without all these fears and heaviness that do not allow us to be who we really are..
Fanny Bigan
For me, communicating with entities is learning to receive…
Trusting myself ! And I learn it now with them !
Isabelle Questiaux